Is dry eye a reason that launches the boat of keratoconus ? In recent years when the pandemic ended, many new keratoconus patients sent to us by corneal specialists just had their diagnosis after the pandemic . In the Philippines, community locked down was more than a year, and kids had more than a year long of online classes . And this meant prolonged hours of non-stop classes, surfing the net, gaming and watching Netflix. Some facts: Patients with keratoconus have have lower tear volumes and more severe dry eye symptoms compared to age-matched healthy controls. The prevalence of DED after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak was 44.1% which was significantly higher than the 18.7% before the COVID-19 outbreak . Eye itchiness is one of the most common symptoms of dry eyes . 3 This would then cause eye...
KERATOCONUS, EYE RUBBING AND SLEEP POSITION EYE RUBBING Your position of sleep can cause keratoconus! Keratoconus is most often than not associated with eye rubbing. Do you know that keratoconus patients rub their eyes longer (10 to 180 seconds) than other patients without keratoconus (<5 seconds)? Eye rubbing temporarily reduces the epithelial thickness by about 18% , and it will take about 15 to 45 minutes for the corneal thickness to get back to the baseline. However, there are patients who deny that they rub their eyes, it has been said that there is a genetic factor that makes a patient more susceptible to keratoconus. The condition is also associated with some connective tissue disorders, allergies, and other environmental factors. Today, we talk about sleeping positions. SLEEP POSITION AND KERATOCONUS Some studies say that incorrect sleeping positions may also contribute to the risk of developing keratoconus. A study found some associatio...